Another day in sunny RVA...

Good day. The current time is: 3:45 pm. I'm not doing the military time thing again. That was corny as hell.

Today I went with my roommate, the lovely Lane, to an animal shelter in Petersburg, south of Richmond. We got a dog! Well, they got a dog. It's basically my dog, too, except I'm not as responsible for him. The dog's Edna! We call him Eddie for short. Eddie is a tranquil creature, a lovely scamp altogether. The whole time we were driving home we kept saying, "He's perfect, he's the best. What's wrong with him? What's the catch?" And so far, there is no catch. Currently he's at the vet with Lane.

^Edna hastily photoshopped onto the cover of DJ Shadow's seminal debut album, Endtroducing.

I've had three dogs in my life. The first was Diamond, a labrador retriever. This was in Mexico City, around '03-'04. I was very small. Diamond was cool, except one time I remember she ran into me, knocking my baby ass onto the tile floor of our yard patio. We gave her away to some people in the countryside (Oaxaca?) when we left the country.

^Not Diamond.

The second was Rocky. This was in Fairfax, VA, and later Pretoria, South Africa. '12 to '21, I think. He was an American bulldog my dad came home with one night. We loved him dearly.

^Rocky. I fucking love this photo! Tragic I can't find it in the original resolution. This is a screenshot from a Spotify playlist I made that used it as a cover: SLOW DAYS. The cherry blossom tree in our old yard was sublime in a Wordsworthian sense. Haha. It was taken by my sister's shitty ex-boyfriend. He had a Ben Shapiro book in his room, the sick fuck.

The third is Arrow. He's still alive! A mutt, we got him a few months after Rocky died, January '23. I was coming down from a psychotic episode. He's a dear. In a few weeks he'll be moving to Santiago, Chile with my folks. He has a bad knee and is getting surgery soon. Won't be able to play or jump onto beds/sofas/etc for like a month :(


That does it for dog intros, I reckon.