Reading people's thoughts on Lolita I've always been weirded out at the fact that the instinct of so many is to immediately gush over the prose. The pedophile book has great prose, you say? Doesn't help that the language used is gastronomical, opulent, even sexual. The prose is "delectable," you say? "Lush"? "Lavish"? Why sell me on a book by talking about what a master of language the pedophile narrator is???? But now I'm like 60 pages in and, uh, yeah. I get it. Hahahaha. Shit owns. One of the most sonically satisfying pieces of prose I've ever read is about a guy busting a nut while a prepubescent girl sits on his lap. Like, how fucked. It's giving Bloom and Gerty. O! O! And whatever, there's so much irony and maybe even satire you can unpack to make sense of this pairing of aesthetic beauty with pedophilia. But it's hard to get that across in back-of-the-cover blurbs.